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Happiness Is This ⬇️

Excerpt from a very happy client:

"So excited and happy to report that sweetest Zara has some medical answers!!! she has not been eating for many days and we had tested everything... in desperation

finally I took her to VEG. they did an ultrasound and we now have a handle on what her issues are!! she will be all better hopefully very soon and she would love to find a foster or a forever home!

this is a really sweet and beautiful girl, only about 18 months and alas very thin at 32 pounds. worth every step that we have taken…

She was rescued😀 literally going into the euthanasia room —grabbed and saved !! another wonderful rescue story. thanks huge to Rhonda Massey-Kacerek for helping her get out alive. More huge thanks to all the VEG folks especially Ayeley Okine DVM who is brilliant, caring, charming, and one of a kind. Like the rest of the VEG folks. Happy dance. especially once she starts adding some pounds.

HUGE THANKS TO Jason Dombrosky for always being there, being quick when needed, being savvy and wise, and just being Jason. We love you, VEG and all the staff.

Not easy to get photos but you can get the idea. Getting this otherwise nearly lethargic girl sedated was quite a feat. She still has a lot of spunk despite not feeling good."

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